Tuesday, September 06, 2011

OK, I am making progress with my blog. I hope you like it's look. Thanks to my husband for helping me. In our case it took two heads to get it figured out, but we think we have a handle on it. I am going to make an effort to send this out to a few friends before I make it totally public, so if you get this you are a chosen one. If you see any problems you can help me fix please feel free to comment.
I hope to add some more pictures soon, I made a cover for the back of my folding lawn chairs that I'd like to share. I got the idea from a fellow member of The Loyal Order of Glampers. Thanks to her!!
Have a great week and I hope to be back soon with pics!!

1 comment:

  1. You Go GirlFriend! Love it!!! Love It! Love It!
    You and Roger did a Great Job...You look like a Pro! Can't wait to see more"D
    Keep Up the Great Blog!

    (I'am Officially Your First FOLLOWER and Your First Post! Yeah For Me.....Yeah for YOU Stephanie!

    Hugs and a Smile,


it all fits